


Sue Johnson, PhD – Hold Me Tight and Love Sense (Relationships)

John Gottman, PhD – The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (Relationships)

Emily Nagoski, PhD – Come As You Are (Sex and Attachment)

Colleen West, LMFT – We All Have Parts!: A little book with big ideas about healing trauma (Internal Family Systems)

Stephen R. Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Tehrina’s favorite self-help/personal development book)

Ellen Bass and Laura Davis – The Courage to Heal (For work with survivors of childhood sexual abuse)

Support Lines:

24-Hour Crisis Hotline:  EMPACT:  (480) 784-1500 or (800) 273-8255

Victims of Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence:  (480) 736– 4949, or toll free (866) 205-5229; (800) 656- HOPE


Sexual Assault support: